As we are approaching Bonfire season please remember to #RememberHedgehogs.

A bonfire is a 5 star hedgehog hotel and makes the ideal nest for hibernation as they are cosy and warm.  However, once a bonfire has been lit the risk to hedgehogs sleeping inside are almost guaranteed to be fatal.  With their small legs it is almost impossible for them to run out of the nest to safety.

Here are some things to consider if you are lighting a bonfire this year:

  • Stop – do you need to have a bonfire this year?  Could you instead attend a community event, or mark the occasion in an alternative, more wildlife-friendly way?  The fewer bonfires there are, the fewer wildlife casualties there are too.
  • Move – if you do decide to have a bonfire, always build it on the day you plan to light it.  Move all accumulated materials to a new site as hedgehogs and other wildlife or pets may be hiding inside.
  • Check – before lighting from one side, check the entire bonfire pile carefully for wildlife and pets.  Shining a torch inside the pile, gently lift each section with a pole or broom.  Never use a spade or fork as these can cause great harm. Listen for the huffing sound of a hedgehog which has been disturbed.

If you do find a hedgehog in your unlit bonfire heap:

  • Gather it up with as much of the nest as possible and place in a high-sided cardboard box with plenty of torn newspaper, towelling or straw.  Ensure there are air holes in the lid and that the lid is firmly secured, as hedgehogs are great climbers.
  • Use gardening gloves or a folded towel to handle them – this helps keep them calm and avoids spreading our scent onto them.  It also protects your hands from their spikes!
  • Put the box somewhere safe and quiet, such as a shed or garage well away from the festivities and offer the hedgehog some meaty cat or dog food and water.
  • Once the embers are totally dampened down, release the hedgehog under a hedge, bush or behind a stack of logs near where it was found, with it’s original nesting materials and some more food and water.

For any further advice or if you believe you have a hedgehog in need of help please contact the Meopham Veterinary Hospital on 01474 815333.  Our RVN Bradley would be more than happy to help!

Blog written by RVN, Bradley